A debrief for good days
Debrief all your days, great ones as well as not-so-great ones

A debrief for good days
Debriefs are not just for when things go wrong. If you have a good day and want to repeat it, debrief and figure out what made it so awesome.
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A debrief for good days
How to do it
The why behind it
There's a common misconception that debriefs are for when things go badly so you can learn from your mistakes. Not so! Debriefs are also for when things go well so you can repeat your awesome days! What did you do that made the day awesome? Clear communication? Something about the plan? Pacing? Clear objectives? Reflect on your good days so you have more of them!
Put it in your own words
That day was great! When did it first seem like it was going well? What did we do to steer it in that direction?
We really had fun today....what made today so special? Was it our team? That we were clear about the objectives? That we communicated well?
Last time we went out it wasn't nearly as much fun as this time...what's different today?