< Research

Participate in our 2023/24 research on communication

Share your experience in the backcountry and help us share lessons with the community. All levels welcome.

Building on our learnings from the 2022-23 season, this winter we are studying what enables people to feel like they can speak up on their teams. What does good communication look like on a backcountry team and how can teams get better at it?

We're asking participants in this study to do three things:

  • A 30 minute introductory call with us. On this call you'll choose 1-3 small new things to try on your next tour.
  • Go on a backcountry tour or ride and try the new behaviors
  • A 30 minute follow up call, to see how it went

So glad you asked! Just complete this short form and we'll be in touch via email.

Sign up to participate

SlabLab is seeking partners who see the value in this work and can support this season's efforts. There are many levels at which to support this research. You can support participant compensation, administrative and other costs. To discuss sponsorship and how we can help your brand and efforts please email us.